Dear Esteemed Beneficiary: $850,000.00 USD COMPENSATION FUND RELEASE S traduzione - Dear Esteemed Beneficiary: $850,000.00 USD COMPENSATION FUND RELEASE S indonesiano come dire

Dear Esteemed Beneficiary: $850,000

Dear Esteemed Beneficiary:
Special greetings from the entire members and staffs of the UNITED NATIONS Trust Funds. We wish to notify you that the UNITED NATIONS has agreed to compensate some selected individuals who had unfinished transaction online or international Fund transfer that failed due to Government policies or those that have been scammed in the past by Fraudulent Individuals.
The UNITED NATION have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa and the United Kingdom Region with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) European Union (EU) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI ).. We have been able to track down some culprit in various parts of some countries which they will soon be charged to appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) for Justice.. Their real identities remains undisclosed as a suspect until after the court ruling.
During the course of the investigation, the various agencies were able to recover stolen funds from these criminal organizations, and the UNITED NATION has resolved that funds recovered to be distributed at Random to 50 Beneficiaries listed around the World as a compensation Fund. This compensation is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the culprits database /computer hard-disk during the investigation and so we believe you qualify a beneficiary of such compensation.
You are therefore being compensated with sum of $850,000.00 USD (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars). This Compensation is just one of the various ways the United Nations are using to Achieve this global vision of ours through our affiliation with the Alliance Bank Plc..
You are advised now to contact our Legal representative via his personal details below:
Compensation coordinator: Sir Dennis Welsh
Email Address:
Mobile Contact: +6 01-4938 1058
Contact Sir Dennis Welsh with his email address contact above as he is our Legal representative in Asia who understands English and will guide you on the further step to receive and claim your Award.. Read Further Below for more directives:
Also send the below information of yours, to his email address for the verification and claim of your Compensation Funds.
Da: -
A: -
Risultati (indonesiano) 1: [Copia]
Dear penerima yang terhormat: $850,000.00 USD KOMPENSASI DANA RILIS Salam spesial dari seluruh anggota dan staf dari UNITED NATIONS Trust Fund. Kami ingin memberitahu Anda bahwa bangsa Inggris telah sepakat untuk mengimbangi beberapa individu yang dipilih yang belum selesai transaksi transfer dana secara online atau internasional yang gagal karena kebijakan pemerintah atau mereka yang telah scammed di masa lalu oleh orang-orang yang curang.Bangsa Inggris telah bekerja terhadap pemberantasan penipu dan scam seniman di Afrika dan wilayah Inggris dengan bantuan organisasi kesatuan Afrika (OAU) Uni Eropa (UE) dan Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Kami telah mampu melacak beberapa pelakunya di berbagai bagian dari beberapa negara yang mereka akan segera dikenakan untuk muncul di pengadilan pidana internasional (ICC) untuk keadilan. Identitas nyata mereka tetap tidak diketahui sebagai tersangka sampai setelah putusan pengadilan.Selama penyelidikan, berbagai lembaga yang dapat memulihkan dicuri dana dari organisasi-organisasi kriminal, dan PBB telah diselesaikan bahwa dana yang dipulihkan akan didistribusikan secara acak kepada penerima manfaat 50 terdaftar di seluruh dunia sebagai kompensasi dari dana. Kompensasi ini telah diarahkan kepada Anda karena alamat email Anda ditemukan di salah satu penyebab database /computer hard disk selama penyelidikan dan kami percaya Anda memenuhi syarat penerima keuntungan dari kompensasi tersebut.Oleh karena itu Anda sedang kompensasi dengan jumlah $850,000.00 USD (delapan ratus lima puluh ribu dolar AS). Kompensasi ini adalah hanya salah satu cara berbagai Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa menggunakan untuk mencapai visi ini global kita melalui afiliasi kami dengan aliansi Bank Plc...Anda disarankan sekarang untuk menghubungi perwakilan hukum kami melalui nya pribadi rincian di bawah ini:Kompensasi Koordinator: Sir Dennis WelshAlamat email: welshden97@gmail.comHubungi HP: 6 1058 01-4938Hubungi Sir Dennis Welsh dengan alamat email kontak di atas karena ia kami perwakilan hukum di Asia yang mengerti bahasa Inggris dan akan membimbing Anda pada langkah lebih lanjut untuk menerima dan menuntut penghargaan Anda... Baca lebih lanjut di bawah ini untuk petunjuk lain:Juga mengirim informasi Anda, untuk alamat email untuk verifikasi dan klaim dana kompensasi Anda di bawah ini.
Si prega di attendere..
Risultati (indonesiano) 2:[Copia]
Dear Esteemed Beneficiary:
Special greetings from the entire members and staffs of the UNITED NATIONS Trust Funds. We wish to notify you that the UNITED NATIONS has agreed to compensate some selected individuals who had unfinished transaction online or international Fund transfer that failed due to Government policies or those that have been scammed in the past by Fraudulent Individuals.
The UNITED NATION have been working towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa and the United Kingdom Region with the help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) European Union (EU) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI ).. We have been able to track down some culprit in various parts of some countries which they will soon be charged to appear at International Criminal Court (ICC) for Justice.. Their real identities remains undisclosed as a suspect until after the court ruling.
During the course of the investigation, the various agencies were able to recover stolen funds from these criminal organizations, and the UNITED NATION has resolved that funds recovered to be distributed at Random to 50 Beneficiaries listed around the World as a compensation Fund. This compensation is been directed to you because your email address was found in one of the culprits database /computer hard-disk during the investigation and so we believe you qualify a beneficiary of such compensation.
You are therefore being compensated with sum of $850,000.00 USD (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars). This Compensation is just one of the various ways the United Nations are using to Achieve this global vision of ours through our affiliation with the Alliance Bank Plc..
You are advised now to contact our Legal representative via his personal details below:
Compensation coordinator: Sir Dennis Welsh
Email Address:
Mobile Contact: +6 01-4938 1058
Contact Sir Dennis Welsh with his email address contact above as he is our Legal representative in Asia who understands English and will guide you on the further step to receive and claim your Award.. Read Further Below for more directives:
Also send the below information of yours, to his email address for the verification and claim of your Compensation Funds.
Si prega di attendere..
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