Attention .
May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
This is Rev. Samuel, from Dakar - Senegal .
This is to bring to your notice that WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER AGENT HERE IN DAKAR SENEGAL are with your cheque directed in cash credited to file KTU/ 9023118308/04 to you.
My son I have done my best to make sure that I secure the draft cheque for you which have abandon in my hand, please try to contact Western Union Dakar Senegal Head Office, and they have agreed to transfer it to you through Western Union Money Transfer, I have done this with the Help of Senegal Law here.
The money could not be sent to you due to allocated security code the CENTRAL BANK DU SENEGAL has approved to send the cash through Western Union Money Transfer. I also want to let you know that I have been in contact with the young lady who is now in abroad, about this and she gave me go ahead other. so you have to follow all the Instructions on this mail now.
So you are required to send them your Full information to effect WESTERN UNION DAKAR SENEGAL.